Upper Back Pain

Upper Back Pain Management In West Valley City And Salt Lake City, UT

There are millions of Americans who suffer from upper back pain each day. There are dozens of reasons that cause this type of back pain. The condition can worsen over time and cause more issues if you do not seek immediate treatment. Fortunately, Peterson Chiropractic in West Valley UT has some information about upper back pain and how a chiropractor can help alleviate your symptoms.

Common Causes Of Upper Back Pain

As mentioned previously, there are dozens of causes of upper back pain. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of this type of pain.

  • Bad posture. Many people practice bad posture whenever they are sitting at their desks each day. Combine this with the fact that they practice this posture for 6+ hours a day, and you have a serious problem on your hands. There are proper posture guidelines available to help you prevent this problem from happening.
  • Injuries. Accidents can happen when you least expect them. Falls are most commonly associated with upper back pain. Fortunately, this situation is easier to treat than a chronic condition. Your friendly neighborhood chiropractor will be able to assist you with this condition if you are suffering from it.
  • Diseases. Older people are susceptible to diseases that can cause upper back pain. Degenerative disc disease, or DDD for short, is one of the more common conditions that cause serious back pain. Osteoporosis is also a condition that can affect your spine and cause major discomfort.

Before we can recommend treatment, our chiropractors first determine the source of your pain. We conduct a physical examination and get your medical history. We might also recommend that you have X-rays or other imaging and diagnostic tests to get an accurate picture of your condition. We then match our findings to your treatment goals and identify appropriate therapies.

Typical Symptoms

One of the most common symptoms of upper back pain is generalized pain in the upper area of your back. However, there are other symptoms that can be associated with this condition. One of them is the general lack of mobility while another could be a painful range of motion. These will help you indicate whether the pain is beginning to develop. 

How To Diagnose Upper Back Pain

Your chiropractor will be able to diagnose upper back pain by performing a physical exam. He or she will then be able to determine the best course of action that will allow you to get the treatment that you need. Make sure to visit your chiropractor if you have been suffering from chronic or acute back pain to avoid problems from developing further. Our chiropractic services can help relieve your pain.

Let The Professionals Help You, Contact Peterson Chiropractic Today!

Contact us if you are suffering from upper back pain and needing back pain treatments. Peterson Chiropractic in West Valley UT has the right resources available to help you recover from your pain. We also welcome patients from Salt Lake City. Contact us at (801) 252-5809 to schedule your appointment today.

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